Natural Dyeing Class

A perfect introduction to the world of plant (and bug!) dyeing.  This class is two six hour days, where students learn everything they need to know to begin their own journey with natural dyes.  

On day one, we begin with mordants - what they are, how to choose which one to use, and the differences in mordanting different types of fibre.  We then mordant the fibres that the students have brought to dye - students are welcome to bring fabric, yarn, small garments, anything that they like, as long as it is a natural fibre, and not synthetic.   We then discuss our four different dyestuffs (cochineal, madder, logwood and osage), before making extracts with each one, and dyeing our mordanted fibres.  Finally, we will do a demonstration on how you can shift the colours of your dyed goods, using post mordants and modifiers.  All students go home with a small sample book to record how each colour was made, as well as all their dyed goods.

Day two is all about indigo.  Indigo is the world's only natural source of colourfast true blue.  We will begin by learning the history of this magical dye plant.  Each student will then create their own organic fructose indigo vat. We will also explore some basic shibori and surface design techniques for creating pattern on cloth, and dye our bound, stitched and bundled pieces with the indigo.  All dye and supplies are provided, students bring their own fibres to dye and can dye anything they like - fabric, yarn, or garments.


Want to book Julie to teach this class in your space?  Contact her here.